New Teacher Recruitment

New Teacher Recruitment

Maanasdhara brings to you most effective and economical psychometric test service for teachers. Assessment objectives includes safety of students, efficacy of teachers and determination of core personality traits of teachers.

Main parameters that we adjudge during psychometric assessment of teachers and other staff members are criminal mind-set, emotional stability, stress tolerance, understanding of consequences, accountability, sensitivity, empathy, EQ & IQ, adaptive functioning and aptitude in terms of cognitive, reasoning, verbal and numerical abilities.

We also analyse general workplace habits as subordinate, colleague and superior along with core strengths and weaknesses with a perspective to school like work environment. Common traits that we analyse are diligence, value-system, composition, empathy, people skills, resourcefulness, enthusiasm, self-control, mental strength, dependability, work-ethics, integrity etc.

We provide online and offline certificates along with detailed personality report to each person qualifying the test for perusal of school and CBSE. Online dashboard will be provided to school and each staff member for easy access to certificates and personality reports.

Ask for a quotation from Maanasdhara today. We specialize in Psychometric Testing in the field of school education in Indian environment in synergy with social and ethical standards. WE SERVE TO SCHOOLS ONLY.

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