

Human beings are probably the best creation on this Earth having powers to make or break our very own world and education is our most valuable commodity. We envisage a society where people make world around them more beautiful by their actions, thoughts and presence. We strive for such a society and we firmly believe in Nelson Mandela's words that Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world around us.

At Maanasdhara we are guided by the philosophy that the purpose of education transcends preparation for career. Career and life are two very different things. These days, schools nurture citizens in an increasingly diverse democracy and self proclaimed freedom. Within the complexities of present education system, we offer quality support services to our client schools promoting a vision of education that: 

  • -->Engages students as active participants in their learning and in society,
  • -->Supports teachers’ voice as experienced practitioners and growth as lifelong learners,
  • -->Builds solidarity between children, parents and teachers,
  • -->Welcomes families and communities as partners in children’s learning,
  • -->Promotes diversity, equity and justice in society,
  • -->Encourages teachers to play an active role in guiding the educational vision of society and
  • -->Creates citizens who make world around them more beautiful.

Thus our support services being aligned with vision of our client schools and educational institutions add wings to their dreams and brand value.


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